Monday, June 22, 2009

Chakra Yoga WorkShop ...Week Four...Anahata CHAKRA

"Chakras are wheels of energy where we receive, assimilate and distribute life energies. Through external situations ( pressures of life ) or internal habits such as poor physical alignment or self destructiveness, a chakra can become imbalanced. The simplest way to balance each chakra is to create alignment in the physical body. Your body reflects your imbalances, acting as a mirror through which you can gauge how each chakra is functioning. Your asana practice is he first step toward aligning your body and balancing each chakra. Instead of trying to change the way the mind works and overcoming years of patterns and beliefs, asana works to realign the physical energy centers that govern specific behaviours"

This weeks focus is on Anahat Chakra ( Hear Centre )

Location: Heart

Mantra: Yam

Verb: I love

Color: Green

Yantra: Star of David

Domain: compassion, beginning of self realization,sharing, unconditional love, selfless service, emotional clarity

Questions that you can ask yourself to find out if this Chakra is not Sattvic:

• Do I have trouble finding meaning in my life?
• Is it hard for me to relate to others?
• Am I over emotional?
• Do I dislike being alone with my thoughts and feelings?
• Am I always looking for others to fill my emotional needs?
• Do people disappoint me easily?

Physical Postures that balance Muladahara Chakra:


To practice more chakra yoga go to:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Chakra Yoga WorkShop ...Week Three...MANIPURA CHAKRA

Chakras are wheels of energy where we receive, assimilate and distribute life energies. Through external situations ( pressures of life ) or internal habits such as poor physical alignment or self destructiveness, a chakra can become imbalanced. The simplest way to balance each chakra is to create alignment in the physical body. Your body reflects your imbalances, acting as a mirror through which you can gauge how each chakra is functioning. Your asana practice is he first step toward aligning your body and balancing each chakra. Instead of trying to change the way the mind works and overcoming years of patterns and beliefs, asana works to realign the physical energy centers that govern specific behaviours.

4 MANIPURA CHAKRA (City of Gems )

Location: Naval Solar Plexes

Mantra: Ram

Verb: I am

Color: Yellow

Yantra: Upside Down Red Triangle

Domain: Extroverted/Introverted,Power/Weakness, Our personality

Questions to aak if Svadishtana Chakra is Sattvic:

•Do I have trouble making decisions?
•Do I feel nervous in group situations and prefer to spend most of my time alone?
•Do I suffer from low self esteem? Constant self doubt?
•Do I engage in self destructive behaviour?
•Am I always right now matter what the argument?
•Have I been accused of insensitivity or intolerance?
•Do I have a hard time working with others?

Physical Postures to Balance Manipura Chakra: (Core Strength & Twisting)

PRAVRITTA PARSVOKANASANA(twisted extended right angle)
MALTESE TWIST (supine right angle twist)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Chakra Yoga WorkShop ...Week Two...SVADISHTANA CHAKRA

Chakras are wheels of energy where we receive, assimilate and distribute life energies. Through external situations ( pressures of life ) or internal habits such as poor physical alignment or self destructivenss, a chakra can become imbalanced. The simpliest way to balance each chakra is to create alignment in the physical body. Your body reflects your imbalances, acting as a mirror through which you can gauge how each chakra is functioning. Your asana practice is he first step toward aligning your body and balancing each chakra. Instead of trying to change the way the mind works and overcoming years of patterns and beliefs, asana works to realign the physical energy centers that govern specific behaviours.

4 SVADISHTANA CHAKRA ( place of self )

Location: Pelvic Basin

Mantra: Vam

Verb: I feel

Color: Orange

Yantra: Cresent Moon

Domain: Sexuality / Likes & Dislikes, Desire, Lust, Greed, creativity

Questions to aak if Svadishtana Chakra is Sattvic:

• Do I difficulty maintaining relationships?
• Am I compulsive?
• Do I suffer from an overabundance or lack of desire?
• Do I make resolutions without the power to carry them out?
• Do I become addicted easy?

Physical Postures to Balance Svadisthana Chakra:

YATANGASANA (extended child's pose)
TRIKONASANA (triangle)
UPAVISTA KONASANA (seated wide-legged stretch)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Chakra Yoga WorkShop ...Week One...MULADHARA CHAKRA

"Chakras are wheels of energy where we receive, assimilate and distribute life energies. Through external situations ( pressures of life ) or internal habits such as poor physical alignment or self destructiveness, a chakra can become imbalanced. The simplest way to balance each chakra is to create alignment in the physical body. Your body reflects your imbalances, acting as a mirror through which you can gauge how each chakra is functioning. Your asana practice is he first step toward aligning your body and balancing each chakra. Instead of trying to change the way the mind works and overcoming years of patterns and beliefs, asana works to realign the physical energy centers that govern specific behaviours"

This weeks focus is on Muladhara Chakra ( Root Chakra )

Location: Base of the Spine ( Center of Perineum )

Mantra: Lam

Verb: I have

Color: Red

Yantra: Golden Triangle

Domain: Material Security & Procreation Instincts

Questions that you can ask yourself to find out if this Chakra is not Sattvic:

• Does my life feel out of control?
• Do I find it difficult to make decisions?
• Do I suffer from financial insecurity?
• Do I act irresponsible in regards to money, personal safety, or that of family members?
• Do I feel poor even though I have a solid bank account?
• Do I have excessive concern for material wealth to the point of being greedy?
• Do I find it difficult to nourish my body properly?
• Do I suffer from obesity, bulimia or anorexia?
• Do I have ongoing problems with my parents, children or other family members?

Physical Postures that balance Muladahara Chakra:

TADASANA(mountain pose)
ALANA(high lunge)

To practice more chakra yoga go to: